If you’re anything like my clients, I’m willing to bet you’re a results driven badass, that is craving WAY more than you’re currently experiencing.

You KNOW, you’re meant for more in this life time, & your desire to take up more space, use your voice more courageously, STOP holding yourself back with sabotaging patterns & step into your wealthiest timeline is practically bursting at the seams. 

If you’ve found this page, I believe there’s a reason.

Is this you right now?

You have a desire to lead with compassion - but certain situations still trigger you. You want to be able to navigate through the business day to day activities with more neutrality & turn challenging situations into powerful growth opportunities 

You feel the burning of desire to show up with more authenticity, but you wonder if people would like & approve of the real you if you did show up completely unfiltered & authentically

You want to become a courageous thought-leader, sharing your unfiltered opinion & thoughts online, but the fear of judgment holds you back from showing up in the way you'd like to

You know you have sabotaging patterns that block wealth, clients & money coming to you, but if you're honest you have no idea where to start, or how to find them

PLUS... Even though you're well versed with the basic manifestation techniques… you feel like there’s something *bigger* that is keeping your manifestations at arms length from you… You get stuck at energetic ceilings frequently & you don't know how to move through them. You're frustrated, & just want help in pinpointing the areas of self-sabotage that are hindering your manifestation processes.

When something difficult happens in your life it can throw you off course. You want to build the inner strength & resilience to skilfully manage a crises (or difficult emotions) without bypassing yourself so you can keep showing up

Despite all this, you still have an inner knowing that something is meant to shift…

& you’re ready to completely change the way you view the world, & release programming that has kept you trapped in old paradigm, toxic ways of viewing the world & success (the very same programming that’s been subconsciously keeping your manifestations at arms length from you)

& start co-creating with the Universe in complete alignment with your Dharma.

You’re ready to integrate the ego with the soul, & become a WHOLE human once again. The same level of whole you were when you first came into this world.

Ok babe...

The most successful & wealthy people in the world have one thing in common: Their inner authority is sky high, & they’re able to RESPOND to the world, instead of REACTING to the world. They have overcome beliefs that are keeping them small.

Their resilience, their strength, their inner power allows them to make informed, aligned decisions every single day, without self-doubt or fear.

It allows them to show up every single day, in the face of judgment, potential public failures & potential cancellations, all because they have separated their MISSION from their PERSONALITY. 

Here’s the truth of massive success & quantum growth

  • If you want to hold more wealth… but you believe money is bad: The Universe will stop it from happening.

  • If you want to manifest at lightning speed… but you’re afraid you’ll lose your connection to your friends & family if your life changes: The Universe will stop it from happening.

  • If you want to become highly visible online & have a global impact with your message, yet you’re terrified of not being liked & being canceled in a public way: The Universe will stop it from happening

  • If you want to hold massive containers of clients in memberships, yet you subconsciously fear the amount of work & pressure that may bring: The Universe will stop it from happening. 

  • If you want to sign clients at a high ticket price, yet you feel guilty whenever someone enquires about your work: The Universe will stop it from happening

Let’s put this into practice

  • If you want consistent $50k months, yet as soon as you start making money you stop working because you deep down feel like it’s greedy to want more: The Universe will block it from happening.

Are you seeing the point I’m trying to make? 

Claiming what we want is one thing, but the thing that’s REALLY driving the show? 

It’s what you subconsciously believe about the world that will dictate your reality.

If you want the same thing as the uber successful & visible, integrating those unconscious parts & building your EQ (inner authority) in all areas is what you’re going to need to do.

Imagine this for a sec...

You’re able to speak something into the Universe, & within a couple of days the universe is re-aligning to meet the new desire you have. New clients, TICK. A speaking opportunity? ON IT's WAY! Random money in your bank? NO PROBLEM!

You’re able to handle any difficult emotion or situation with neutrality, meaning you NEVER get swept off path. Break up? You’ve got this. Grief? You can hold yourself.

You no longer rely on the approval or validation of others, you TRUST your Inner Authority & the direction it’s taking you & your business, even if it makes zero sense to other people

You've built the courage to show up authentically in all aspects of your life, allowing you to express your core values, ethics, and boundaries with confidence in both in public & in private

You’re able to see when you, or others are acting out of alignment with your most aligned timeline, cus you're SO aware of what makes you (& others) tick... It makes you a better coach & business owner all round.

That’s exactly what stepping into Feminine Authority will allow you to do.

Inez Bye

Being guided to do shadow work with an experienced mentor like you makes the whole process 100x more healing. As soon as we get on a call, the fog is lifted & I'm catapulted into action!

I've been working with you for over 2 years now, & I've had my highest months in business ever.

Helen (mindset & business coach)

What you’ve taught me has not only taught me how to sell, but more importantly, I’ve learnt how to be an even better coach! Thank you for guiding me through everything I needed to know

I’ve had consistent 5 figure months for the last 7 months

Sophie (podcasting coach)

You taught me to create safety in my body in order to achieve my big visions. Your ability to coach is unmatched, & I aspire to have the same affect on my clients.

I had my highest cash month ever (3x what I was bringing in prior to working with you)

Don't just take it from me

here's the honest truth

What they teach you to do is only half of the puzzle…

Most manifestation & spiritual gurus will just tell you to think positive, & never dip into low vibe. It tells you to bypass your own feelings, & become this toxic authority, perfect version of yourself that’s meant to never a shit day…

What I know to be true? That only works for so long, & then ALLLLL that old programming comes back up & halts you even harder. You know why? Cus we are HUMANS… trying to *only* be high vibe, does NOT = equal long term sustainable results…

How do I know? Cus I’ve been there.

A lot of manifestation programs aren't giving you the full picture

I started my business with the basic manifestation principles, & it got me so far. But eventually, the beliefs I was bumping up against became TOO LOUD for me to ignore, as I started sabotaging every single action I made.

In the pursuit of the “$10k month”, things felt anything but easy. I would go offline for days, push back launches, sign a client & then ghost for a week… & so on.

I was sabotaging myself at every single turn… until I looked deeper, & below the surface.

& what I found? I could never have predicted… (I mean, that’s how the subconscious mind works, right?)

I was sabotaging myself so hard because I deep down feared losing the love of my father. That if I started out earning him, it would ruin our relationship forever…

UM WHAT? I cleared the beliefs (using the same methods i’ll be guiding you through in this program)... & what happened next was wild:

my 3 year transformation journey...

I went from making $25k year in business (whilst being almost $20k in debt)... to a $1.1million in a financial year in business in under 3 yeas

I went from living on my credit card every month, & not being able to afford to even get my nails done…. To having massive wealth & overflow of money in my bank account at all times in under 3 years

I went from living in a tiny 2-bed apartment that didn’t have an oven, or working windows… to an expansive new build 3 bedder in a dream location, and now in 2023 gearing up to buy my multi million dollar luxury home!

I went from living in clothes with holes in them & freaking out about buying a $50 top... to buying myself designer items & barely noticing the price tag.

I went from being TERRIFIED of using my voice anywhere, & fearing judgment so much that I'd have a full blown panic attack at the thought of appearing on my stories without makeup… To being a thought leader in my industry, courageously using my thoughts & opinions in all of my content without fear of being canceled

I went from feeling like I was incapable of managing money without having a panic attack every time I looked in my bank account, to feeling calm & neutral about money coming in & out of my bank account & having big conversations about large amounts of money with various people

All within 3 years.

My life has “quantum leapt” the more I’ve cleared out old things that haven't served me, because I’m not trying to BYPASS anything at all.


Feminine Authority:
The Manifestation School


It’s time to break through that energetic ceiling, & release all sabotaging patterns around money, business, & relationships by developing your self-leadership, & the courage to use your voice with confidence in any situation so you can feel like, & be seen as a true thought leader & feminine authority.

Here's a video to show how this works in more detail

How it works

We follow the Inner Authority building process, to neutralise every area of your life





FA & Managing a team

FA & Running your own business

FA & Neutrality in the face of polarity & conflict

FA & Courage, authenticity & visibility

The core topics

The CORE reprogramming meditations for every single block. These are the resources you will return to again & again to reprogram yourself on any topic

Removing blocks

A deep dive on each of the Feminine Authority principles, & the elements of this process. Once you start seeing this stuff, you can't unsee it! This is the start of the awareness building!


Learn the process of build inner authority, & start build Feminine Authority weekly routines to weave this work into your life & create a commitment


Setting your manifestation intentions & laying all of the guidelines for the rest of the program so you can fully understand HOW this will help you manifest


So what's included?

Alright alright...


6 monthly payments of

Split Pay

Mastermind coaching

Lifetime access

Lifetime access


4 Monthly Payments

Split Pay

Mastermind coaching



Pay In Full

Join FA Regular today for

Lifetime access

Mastermind coaching


In the spiritual world, the word Authority is defined as each individual's ability & right to make decisions for themselves.

In Human design, your Authority is the powerful tool each energy type is designed to utilize to make big decisions. 

But in the western world we see today? Authority is more often than not connected to dominance, power, control & assertiveness… 

You can be honest with me, are you imagining an image of a male police officer arresting others, & taking away their power??

You wouldn’t be alone if you are. & I get it, Authority is more often than not associated in needing to change into something you’re not in order to become successful.

& of course… From a young age society tells us that Authority building is traditionally built on toxic masculinity: Wear the suit, become the bitch, exert your power over your students & audience & definitely don’t show any vulnerability or weakness! 

Why Feminine Authority?

What does that lead to? 

Women neglecting their natural female (& human) tendencies in leadership positions, in favor of becoming someone else that they believe will be more highly respected.

In the entrepreneurial world, this means building businesses that aren't built on complete honesty, with people feeling like they need to put on a show, or wear a mask in order to succeed.

In the corporate world, this looks like leaders becoming up-tight, & unforgiving when it comes to their feedback & interaction with the people underneath them.

All of this takes people OUT of their power, & pushes them further away from their Dharma & it keeps manifestations at arms reach as they operate their life through EGO instead of ALIGNMENT.

Feminine Authority introduces a different way, a way that puts you in direct alignment WITH the natural flow of the Universe (instead of against it)

You may get caught in comparison cycles & end up losing your voice on the regular

You may find yourself frequently at a stand still & blocked by self sabotaging patterns, like perfectionism, people-pleasing & procrastination

You'll more inclined to look to other people for inspiration, maybe even copying what they do

Your marketing will feel heavier & more effort, with it struggloign to generate any interest or new leads

Keep going the way you’re going

Be able to consume other people’s content without dipping into comparison, & be able to hold your own view points without allowing others to affect you

People who haven't even worked with you are referring friends

Complete strangers turn into high ticket clients

Your posts get more shares as more people align with your REAL message

Become a Feminine Authority


You may attract a higher level of negative feedback about services, & of the back of your marketing

Your clients start getting better results & you retain them


Still on the fence?

How is this program different from other programs?

This program is built on the principles of Feminine Authority™. Where other programs may tell you their way is the ONLY way, Feminine Authority teaches you to prioritise YOUR genius above all. It teaches you to become a WHOLE, fuller version of you in order to manifest. 

Other programs give you surface level activations, & tell you to "think happy" all the time (which is very toxic over the long run) but this program gives you the support to go deep. To go past the surface level stuff, & get to the ROOT of your stuckness so that you can energetically align with the next level:

The million dollar business, larger group containers filled with hundreds aligned humans, massive visibility across different platforms, the book the changes the world, the dream home... whatever it is, this program gets you closer & closer to that reality being within your grasp.

It isn't an overnight success program, this is about committing to becoming & embodying the Feminine Authority™ way, & prioritising your desire over everything else that you've been taught.

This isn't JUST about becoming wealthy, this is about becoming a better business owner, service provider, coach & person in all areas of life, & create mission fuelled business here to do real good - in complete integrity with your dharma & souls purpose.

when do the monthly calls take place? will there be replays?

When the program kicks off, you'll get access to the Q&A call schedule. Calls take place on different days & times each month to cater different timezones. 

The calls will then all be recorded, & the replays will be reposted into the Facebook groups.

will i benefit from this program if i'm not a coach?

Absolutely! This program is applicable to any type of person, in any type of career. If you have a desire to build confidence, & manifest more: This will work for you. Inside my Inner Authority programs, I've had Corporate hunnies, Digital Marketing Strategists, podcast studio owners, interior designers, brand designers, therapists, influencers & content creators, affiliate marketers who want to build their inner authority & coaching skills.


There is spiritual influence in this program, yes. However, you do not have to be spiritual in order to get the most from this program. The basis of this program is built on inner child, shadow work, NLP, & somatic work to remove trauma from the body.

Will I get 1:1 Coaching access to Hayley?

The only way to recieve 1:1 coaching is to join the Mastermind version, where you will recieve an onboarding private call with me to bring up your biggest blindspots!


You will have a set period of time after purchasing your program, to upgrade to the membership. This period lasts for 3 months. Past that period of time, the amount you have paid for the program will no longer be able to be used to upgrade into the membership.

If you would like to upgrade your individual program purchase to join the membership, please email hello@hayleylloyd.com, or send us a message on Instragram @hayleyjunelloyd

How long do I have access to the programs?

You'll receive lifetime access to the content.

What is the refund policy?

We do not offer any refunds.

DISCLAIMER:This program is not a get rich quick scheme, it requires you to put in the work over a period of time, in order to see results. We can not guarentee anyone's result as each individual is so different.  If you have a pre-existing mental health condition, we do not recommend you start this work without the supervision of a doctor or therapist as this work can be emotionally intense.
By enrolling in this course you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

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