The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority
The House Of Feminine Authority

You're ready to dive in head first, pull up a seat at the table, learn real strategies & energetic work that actually work & go ALL IN on your big dreams

You're ready to dial up your courage to authentically express yourself with ease, become a MAGNET for aligned high-end clients, scale your business to new heights with proven processes & step into new levels of self-leadership & emotional intelligence...

This is your time... It's time to step into your Fearless Feminine Authority era... Cus I KNOW you were born with a calling, a mission, a fire in your belly that is screaming at you to be unleashed.

& right now, you’re looking for an world class coaching & an expansive space to grow, flourish & become THE service provider & AUTHORITY in your industry.

Imagine where you'd be a year from today, if you said YES to your most couragous year yet?!

But the most important thing for you? To do it in a way that FEELS good, that honors your mission & maintains your authentic expression.

AND you've built your inner authority & resilience to show up no matter what. You feel confident with attracting, receiving & managing money & you finally feel PEACE while running your business

You've prioritised client experience & product creation meaning your retention & referral rate is sky high

You're hitting high cash months by stacking recurring income, & using feminine sales processes & consistently and scale your coaching business to way beyond Multi 6 FIGURES… with ease

You only work with A+ clients that are ready to put in the work, & that need no convincing to make moves in their business

You're no longer doing this for vanity metrics, or "you're so inspiring" but instead, you're attracting  "fuck yes, send me the link" buyers that that FLOCK to your premium, most transformative and high-level offers without you needing to be pushy, slimy, or "salesy".

You've become the go-to Authority in your niche because you’ve created a value-packed solution that genuinely serves a prominent need in your industry, which provides a platform for your message to reach even more people!

how does this sound?

The problem?

Despite the desire to make this a reality, you know that you have strategic knowledge gaps that are stopping you from fully fulfilling that purpose… 

And if you were being honest, the daunting task of “building your Authority” in the noisy online space seems like an insurmountable feat that makes you ask:   

  • How do I build a warm audience and get them on board with my mission? 
  • How do I be authentic in my business whilst being seen as credible? 
  • How do I create offers and solutions that have been intentionally designed to get clients the best results?
  • How do I get my content to do the selling for me & attract clients to me with ease?

All in all, you have no idea how to sustainably build a business that lasts

To make matters worse, your mindset can feel pretty unstable & inconsistent on your journey from day to day: One day you’re in your power, the next? You’re horizontal on the on the sofa questioning every single decision you make

  • Sabotaging patterns like… (procrastination, avoiding the work, waiting until you feel ready…) seem to come online 10x easier
  • Wanting to please the people around you & be accepted by all, so keeping your content vanilla & safe
  • Striving for perfection, pushing back launches, or worse - never launching anything at all!
  • Or even occasionally, relying too heavily on other people to inspire your own content making you question: what’s different about me? Why would someone hire ME?

Imagine this with me for a sec…

What if it didn’t have to look like this?

Imagine a space that equips you with the full spectrum of skills, mindsets, and that gets you even more deeply grounded in your WHY & helps you to POUR that into a brand that actually makes you money

What would it feel like to finally claim a seat at the table, to have a space that can hold the bigness of your desires: The million dollar business, the endless public speaking opportunities, the world wide recognition & viral pieces of content & the consistent sell out launches & high demand for your services & programs (because they are rooted in SERVICE).

Imagine a space where money is celebrated, & neutralised - where we can share, celebrate & expand each other by telling stories & using our voices...

To feel empowered & courageous enough to lead through radical honest & total embodiment of who you are, & what you stand for (even if it makes other people uncomfortable)

How would it feel to finally feel seen, held, supported, & celebrated in every single move that you make? To know that you have the Inner Circle that encourages you to play BIGGER, & finally create a business that feels like Home.

Imagine this with me for a sec…

What if it didn’t have to look like this?

I created the house for the woman that desires to LIVE COURAGEOUSLY, RELEASE SHAME, grow fast, & build authority in her feminine 

Inez Bye

I've just had my first $36k launch! Everything I apply makes me a better business owner (the proof is in the income!)

I've been working with you for over 2 years now, & these programs just keep getting better & better.

Helen (mindset & business coach)

You’ve taught me has not only taught me how to sell, but more importantly, I’ve learnt how to be an even better coach! Thank you for guiding me through everything I needed to know

I’ve had consistent 5 figure months for the last 7 months since being in The House. 

NIKKI (mindset coach)

Thank you Hayley for teaching me things I didn't even know I needed to know about growing an online business! This space is the reason for this level up!

My coaching business just made 50% of my ANNUAL salary in just three weeks!


There is another way...

Are you done with the old school Toxic Authority ways of building business?

That tells you there’s only “one way” to grow, & it involves you becoming a smaller, perfect version of yourself in order to sell?

You’ll be honest - you don’t want to have to change yourself, or become this perfect version of you in order to thrive & succeed

You don’t want to have to create shamey, pain-point based content that leaves your audience feeling… well shamed, in the hope that they’ll sign up with you.

You don’t want to have to focus on just one thing, & fit yourself into a certain cookie cutter strategies, or start implementing complex funnels that drain your magic away

You have a mission that’s bigger than *just* money & you want to have FUN & make a real IMPACT whilst you do it… it’s screaming to be released.

Truth be told, you started your business to do real GOOD in the world… & if the idea of speaking to empowering, high end clients that don’t need convincing through clunky funnels feels sexy...


A more authentic, heart centric way to build & use authority & scale to 6-7+ figures through organic marketing, & feminine sales processes

Women neglecting their natural female (& human) tendencies in leadership positions, in favor of becoming someone else that they believe will be more highly respected.

In the entrepreneurial world, this means building businesses that aren't built on complete honesty, with people feeling like they need to put on a show, or wear a mask in order to succeed.

In the corporate world, this looks like leaders becoming up-tight, & unforgiving when it comes to their feedback & interaction with the people underneath them.

Why do we need Feminine Authority?

What does that lead to? 

In Human design, your Authority is the powerful tool each energy type is designed to utilize to make big decisions. 

But in the western world we see today? Authority is more often than not connected to dominance, power, control & assertiveness… 

This is something that has been shaped by an overly toxic masculinity: Wear the suit, become the bitch, exert your power over your students & audience & definitely don’t show any vulnerability or weakness!

But what if building your Authority didn’t need to be like this?

What if we could rebel against the overly masculine way of view Authority, & reclaim the more conscious way of viewing it?

  • You don't need to be ON & in launch mode all the time
  • You don't need a HUGE social media presence or for your content to consistently go viral
  • You don't need to be "finished" healing, OR be the perfect version of you in order to make sales - you can be YOU, no matter how that looks & sign high ticket clients
  • You don't have to be super professional & organised, & business does NOT have to look a certain way - it can look however you want it to look
  • You don't have to manipulate people into a sale...
  • & you defo do not have to have all the designer bells & whistles to make sales (e.g. photoshoots, websites etc)


The House Of Feminine Authority


A 12-month mastermind experience to help you build Feminine Authority, release fear holding you back, become your most fearless unapologetic self, step into your limitless potential, & implement a feminine strategy that gets you lavishly paid for being YOU

You want to build a House that will MAKE you money over time, building your own generational wealth over time.

Every single person has their own unique blueprint, & each person's idea of a Home will differ from one person to the next: the same is true for business.

We are here to build businesses that are 100% US.

If you’re ready to build a business that feels like home, The House Of Feminine Authority is for you.

A Home for those that want to build their Authority online in a non-traditional way.

This is about building a house (business) that represents complete Freedom for your own unique expression & way of being (you wouldn’t wear a mask when you were sitting in your own home, so why would you wear one to build your own business?)

You want to build a House that feels safe, secure & supported, that honours your own values, beliefs & way of being.

You want to build a House where you can play & experiment with zero pressure, or fear of judgment.

Otherwise known as "The House"

Is The House Of Femthority For You?

You want to build a thriving business in a way that FEELS good, & does good & you’re not afraid to ditch old paradigm ways of thinking & rebel against what traditional coaches are telling you to do in favour of finding YOUR way

You want to REBEL against any narratives that tell you being the true you online shouldn’t be a part of your brand. You want to scale a business that is built on authenticity & the REAL you (not the you you’re told you *should* be to sign clients… cus YES we can be an Authority whilst being the real us!!)

You want to STAND OUT in a loud industry without becoming a carbon copy of your coach. You want to create a business & a brand that isn’t like everyone else’s, but is 100% YOU. 

You want to neutralize your relationship with money, so that things like checking your bank account or managing large amounts of money no longer feel overwhelming or out of control

You don’t want your emotions to get in the way of your business growth. You want to develop emotional resilience, & a strong WEALTH mindset & FEEL like the multi 6 figure CEO you’re desiring to be

You want to learn a client attraction system that works, but also FEELS good - you don’t want to have to shame your audience into making a purchasing decision!

You have a desire to add $10-30k to your current monthly income & you're looking for the catalyst that is going to break you through the next energetic ceiling

You don’t want to *just* make a load of money online, you also have a deeper soul calling & mission that’s waiting to be birthed so you can build a BRAND that is driven by a MISSION, & be able to articulate exactly what that is with total ease

You want to become the best coach/service provider you can possibly be & continually uplevel your own SKILL of delivery to get your clients the best results possible

Channel this new found Inner Authority into all of your Outer Authority (your content, your programs, your services etc) to get you paid $$$


We follow a continuous process to build...

How it works

Build Inner Authority, confidence, self-trust & relationship with money & the world around you so you can create & serve authentically


Programs To build your inner authority

Release the shackles of self-sabotage in money, business, & relationships by developing your self-leadership, activating your free thinking, & build the courage to use your voice with clarity & confidence in any situation so you can feel like, & be seen as a true thought leader & feminine authority.

Becoming A Feminine Authority

Unblock your mind & energy, so that you can build momentum in your business at rapid speed, & manifest anything you desire

A fast paced, 21 day challenge / protocol designed to consciously give you a hard-reset, to get yourself in a high vibe state to manifest & build massive warmth in your business.


A 4 module program designed to permanently interrupt & alter your relationship with money, so you can become a match for more.

This is everything you need to lay the foundations that will have you quantum leaping your income in 2023.

Magnetising Wealth

Lead your coaching containers with laser precision & increase your clients results 10x by developing your emotional intelligence, leadership & coaching abilities

The art of coaching

Programs To build your Outer authority

Are you ready to create unique, stand out programs that deliver incredible client experience & results every time?

This signature program is designed to teach you the art of ideating, creating, packaging & marketing 1:many programs so that they actually full up AND get your clients incredible results. No more guess work required.

Programs That Sell

Sell out your high-ticket services with ease & take your business to multi-6 figures with cash creating content

Learn to write directly to those “holy f*ck we are made for each other” premium clients that are ready-to-pay, light on the system BADASSES who show up 11/10 and get results

Content To Cash Academy

Confidently sell out your HIGH TICKET launches, without the stress or bro marketing tactics.

Stress Free Sold Out Launches

Branding & Authority go hand in hand, in order for your branding to be received like an AUTHORITY, you have to feel like one.

This is about giving yourself full permission to BE the brand.

To unlock your INNER Authority & channel it into your brand to create a recognisable, original & MAGNETISING online presence that attracts high-end clients on repeat.


Monthly coaching calls from guest mindset experts
(active from January)
($10k value)

inclusion SIX

3 x Monthly Q&A calls led by Hayley
($15k in value)

inclusion FIVE

Access to the fast growing VIP Feminine Authority community
($10k value)

inclusion FOUR

So what's included?

Alright alright...

Access to any new or updated versions of programs that I run throughout the year 
($15k value)

inclusion three

Access to a massive library of bonus trainings on a range of topics
($6k value)

inclusion two

Full access pass to all of my programs, each designed to build a layer of your Feminine Authority
($30k value)

inclusion one

Try these on for size...


A retried program for brand new coaches & service providers with an extensive section on how to sell on discovery calls


  • Learn to sell like a pro on discovery calls
  • Get access to 9 bonus modules of content
  • See the first iteration of a program of mine, & see how they've developed since!


A thorough program guiding to build your self belief. A brilliant starting point to understand how the mind impacts everything you do

access to building self-belief

  • Build your own self-belief to new heights
  • Learn the basics of manifestation, shadow work & inner child work
  • Many reprogramming meditations




1 payment of

Pay In Full


12 monthly payments of

Pay Monthly


52 weekly payments of

Pay Weekly

Join today for: $10,000 (usd)

A $90,000 Value


Founder of On Track Studios

Through your guidance, I reached many milestones like having my highest ever cash months (3 x what I was bringing in prior to working with you)! Your ability to hold space as a coach is unmatched and I aspire to have the same effect on my clients. 

CAndice tamara

Mindset Coach

 A tiktok went viral with over 2.5million views in a few days. I have had so many bookings, leads, followers.. everything & still growing & I went from my first 10k month to £25k month… It’s so great to be able to help so many & be so aligned!

This could be you!

We don't have endless love notes for nothing!


Hey, I'm Hayley

When I was a young girl, I (like many other women) grew up in a society that made me very confused about how I should be showing up in the world.

  • Have a great time & show your personality, but not so much that you become annoying or *too much* for people to handle.

  • Know what you want in life, but don’t speak up too loudly or you’ll rock the boat.

  • Be passionate, but not so passionate that you become intense.

  • Ask for what you want, but not too much because you’ll be labeled as aggressive.

  • Do NOT show emotion - toughen up that upper lip & push it down (hello decades of repressed emotions & anger)

  • If you want to succeed & have power? You have to put on a suit & become a bitch & PROVE your authority over others.

  • Want to be wealthy? I was going to have to marry rich & hope that the guy still treated me well.

It left me confused, with no idea where to place myself in the world.

When I eventually came into the online space & I spent many a month lost in the noise of everyone else’s voices

Thinking I need to be like everyone else in order to succeed…
Believing I needed to sign up with the most expensive coaches, & implement the strategies I was told to in order to make sales (& be a good girl)
& only show up when I was feeling *high vibe* & SHIT HOT in order to make sales (cus real human emotion isn’t activating!!)

I ended up with a business that was not me. 

With a business where I struggled to make decisions for myself, or to even know what I wanted at all.

Where my posts & content sounded like every other coach out there (& especially similar to the coach I was working with at the time)

& where I had put money on a pedestal, & in the process forgot the entire reason that I started this business in the first place: To serve & do good.

I got to a point where my business made me miserable.

So, I decided to change.

I left the overly expensive containers. I muted people that were preaching unaligned messages. & I worked on myself, to re-discover my Inner Authority.

I rediscovered that my magnetism was ME. It wasn’t anyone else. It wasn’t another coach, it was always me.

The year I did that was my first $1.1million cash year. 

I became obsessed with understanding how I could help people do the same thing, & create mission driven, heart based businesses that do REAL GOOD in the world (& raise the collective consciousness of the planet in the process)

Today, my clients have gone on to become absolute trailblazers in the industries they're in. They are making the most money they’ve ever made, whilst also serving a mission that is much bigger than even they can comprehend. 

& that's available for you too, through The House.

You may get caught in comparison cycles & end up losing your voice on the regular

You may find yourself frequently at a stand still & blocked by self sabotaging patterns, like perfectionism, people-pleasing & procrastination

You'll more inclined to look to other people for inspiration, maybe even copying what they do

Your marketing will feel heavier & more effort, with it struggloign to generate any interest or new leads

Keep going the way you’re going

Be able to consume other people’s content without dipping into comparison, & be able to hold your own view points without allowing others to affect you

People who haven't even worked with you are referring friends

Complete strangers turn into high ticket clients

Your posts get more shares as more people align with your REAL message

Become a Feminine Authority


You may attract a higher level of negative feedback about services, & of the back of your marketing

Your clients start getting better results & you retain them


You will receive a monthly call schedule for you to join


You will receive an invite to the main The House Facebook group to join your community


You will receive an invite to any live FB groups that are currently running


You will receive an email with instant access to Thinkific which is where the programs are housed

What happens after you sign up?






Still on the fence?

How is this program different from other coaching programs?

This mastermind is built on the principles of Feminine Authority. So where other programs may tell you their way is the ONLY way, Feminine Authority teaches you to prioritise YOUR genius above all. With the addition of the inner authority work you'll be doing, you'll build the confidence & self-awareness to know if something is, or is not working for you, & be able to pivot in accordance.

This isn't JUST about becoming wealthy, this is about becoming a better business owner, service provider, coach & person in all areas of life, & create mission fuelled business here to do real good - in complete integrity with your dharma & souls purpose.

when do the monthly calls take place? will there be replays?

As soon as you enrol, you'll get access to our Monthly Q&A call schedule. Calls take place on different days & times each month to cater different timezones. 

The calls will then all be recorded, & the replays will be reposted into the Facebook groups.

will i benefit from this program if i'm not a coach?

Absolutely! Most programs inside The House are applicable to any type of online business. Inside the Membership, we have had Digital Marketing Strategists, podcast studio owners, interior designers, brand designers, therapists, influencers & content creators, affiliate marketers & even corporate workers who want to build their inner authority & coaching skills.

If you work in a leadership position, also desire to join for JUST the inner Authority programs (self-awareness, coaching skills etc), please email & we can arrange that for you.

What programs will I get access to as soon as I join?

When you join The House you get immediate access to the course content of all programs inside the Membership through our course platform PLUS you get live access to the program that is currently run inside the Facebook Group.

Will I get 1:1 Coaching access to Hayley?

The only way to get 1:1 Coaching support by Hayley is through private mentorship, & her highest level mastermind Authority.

However, Hayley provides answers to individual questions through the program live Q&As as well as the monthly Membership Q&A calls, meaning there's plenty of opportunities to have feedback & coaching!

I have joined a previous program of yours, how can I upgrade to the Membership?

You will have a set period of time after purchasing your program, to upgrade to the membership. This period lasts for 3 months. Past that period of time, the amount you have paid for the program will no longer be able to be used to upgrade into the membership.

If you would like to upgrade your individual program purchase to join the membership, please email, or send us a message on Instragram @hayleyjunelloyd

How long do I have access to the programs?

You'll get access to our program library inside the course platform for 12 months from the day you enrol.

You'll keep lifetime access to any program that was run live during your time inside The House through the Facebook Group.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the immediate access to the content inside The House of Feminine Authority we do not offer any refunds.

DISCLAIMER:This program is not a get rich quick scheme, it requires you to put in the work over a period of time, in order to see results. We can not guarentee anyone's result as each individual is so different.  We make an extreme effort to share with you all of the strategies, blueprints, and tools so you can apply them to your coaching business. However, it is solely up to you as the individual and business coach to make the income. By enrolling in this course you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Terms of Purchase | Privacy Policy